วันศุกร์ที่ 12 มีนาคม พ.ศ. 2553

Hostess Orange Cupcakes

I have recently found snack-cake chocolate to be a bit strong. From Ding-Dong's to Ho-Ho's, Donut Gems to Cup Cakes, I just seem to have lost my taste for the stuff. I guess I have become a more mature snack cake junkie.

A year ago, when I started to reject chocolate, I wondered, "Am I getting too grown up for Zingers? For Ho-Ho's? For Little Debbie?" I was afraid. Am I now longer a kid?

Snack cake chocolate seemed a little strong. What was I going to do? Was I going to quit snacking? Was I going to stop eating 200-calorie fixes in the middle of the afternoon? That would almost make take my life into a realm of responsibility that I couldn't begin to handle.

Then, about two months ago, on a trip to Barstow, I rediscovered the greatest snack, the Orange Hostess Cup Cake. It is mild, with a hint of citrus zest; a touch of class that one wouldn't expect over the snack counter. When you bite, all is mild; a sharp contrast from its snack brethren. I understand that is not the experience that most junk food junkies may be going for, however, if you want a special experience at the 75c pastry counter, do try this cupcake. You will be pleasantly surprised and will understand why it is so elusive, as those of us in its cult know when the Hostess man drops it off.

If you aren't in the cult, you will never beat us to the rack and will only find chocolate ones on the counter. You have to be quick if you want to know the joy of the Orange Hostess Cupcake.

