Guess was established in the early '80's and has since become one of global lifestyle brands. Today, Guess designs, markets and distributes full collection of women, men and children's apparel, as well as handbags and accessories. Many women consider this brand's handbags, Guess purses and Guess bags as among the "must have" items in their wardrobe.
At present, handbags are not just fashion statements anymore. Bags must be large, sturdy and functional to support the needs of the modern woman. It is not unusual for women to more than one bag. A vital necessity for one bag is not adequate to carry everything she needs.
Guess handbags are trendy that complements every fashion-conscious woman's lifestyle. Most retail stores sell Guess purses between $50 to S150, making this an affordable luxury. Top choices among this brand's bags are:
1. "Arm Candy Croco" Satchel
2. "Tribal" Hobo Bag
3. "Festival" Satchel
4. "Gelato" Hobo Bag
As a Guess handbag lover, you would want to buy the authentic bag. Here are ways to spot the fake bags:
* When there are bags offered in a non- Guess outlet, head online Guess Website to see the list of bags currently in the market. If it is not listed, the bag is a fake.
* Examine the outside purse; the stitches must be tight and flawless; if stitching is shoddy, it is a dead giveaway.
* Go over the hardware of the bag; it must have the brand logo outside, as well as on the zipper. Without an outside logo and on the zipper is a surely a fake.
* Check the inside part of the bag. A real one has always a fabric lining, either cotton twill or similar fabric.
* Find out if there is a label since all designer bags have labels inside the handbag.
This brands handbags, purses and bags come in different styles, textures, shapes, colors, and materials. They are not only durable but also fashionable and the price is affordable. The design is changing based on the dictates of fashion but one thing that never changes is the secrets that are found within the confines of the handbag.