วันจันทร์ที่ 22 สิงหาคม พ.ศ. 2554

Birthday child happy first anniversary and Gelato

Edit: Sorry ice cream birthday was a week ago, and has no time to put this! I must admit that I never understood why anyone should weep for their pets, not until I met Ice Cream! Ice Cream Before, it was just another sign of laboratory (sorry, I worked in a lab too). However, when I brought home .... this little ball of fur I need both. It 'nice to be needed and know that simple things like rub behind the ear or just a little' treat that makes them so happy. In return you get asa pure form of love without malice or reason behind it. I like knowing that when I'm stressed at work, Gelato is sitting right under the chair I'm sitting. Whatever the living room, jumps on it. I like to embrace my little friends and especially my little friend. I think it's a little 'too active also be a rabbit, except when they are unnecessary and take a nap.


